Friday, January 24, 2014

I'm on Twitter! (Kind of) and the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind

Yup, I am officially on Twitter (@hcrocchi).  I've tried to establish an account before, mostly to see what athletes and celebrities are up to, but this is my first attempt at posting tweets myself.  I don't know how successful I am at tweeting interesting things, however.  Here are a few stats for you:

Number of tweets so far: 33
Number of people I'm following: 63
Number of people following me: 18

Notice the low number of followers?  I've been referring to it as a #fail.  I know that I've only been tweeting for a little less than two weeks, but the competitive person in me would like to see that number increase.  The sad thing is that I had 20 followers at one point.  I guess my mundane #SixWords tweets weren't interesting enough for the two that unfollowed me.  Whatever.  What I'm trying to say is this: if you have a Twitter, please follow me!  #ShamelessPlug

After coming to grips with this Twitter fail, I decided to fill out the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind.  I will admit that I didn't answer these questions in complete sentences.  This would enrage my students, who cringe every time I stress the importance of answering a question in a complete sentence.  I do this on a daily basis, so it's a good thing that they don't read this blog. I'd never hear the end of that one.

Most of these questions were very thought-provoking and forced me to look at things differently than I have lately.  It was definitely a worthwhile thing to do.  I've done a lot of thinking about where I want to be in five to ten years, and these questions helped support my decision to start making some changes in my life. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Beginning

I've seen the Day Zero project described on several blogs over the past year; it's one of those things that I've wanted to do for awhile now but haven't had the time or motivation to do.  I don't know about you, but my motivation tends to start out strong in January, only to plateau during the summertime and slowly fade away before the holiday season arrives.  I'd like to change that.

Most of the items on this list are a combination of things that I've always wanted to do and ideas that I found on other lists that have inspired me.  After about a month of brainstorming and borrowing ideas, I finally compiled my list.

The items I think I'll accomplish quickly: #16, #45, #57, #72, and #99 should be completed (or started) early on. Most of my financial goals also need to be started early on.

The items I think I'm going to struggle with: Most of the items in the travel section will take some time to complete.  I will need to save money diligently in order to afford each of these over the course of the next few years.  #100 is also something I've always wanted to do but am terrified of actually doing.  I have a hard time getting my blood pressure taken, so I already feel bad for the person who gets stuck taking my blood if I gather up the courage to do it.

What I'm hoping to take away from this experience: I am really optimistic that this process will help me step out of my comfort zone and experience new things.  I'm looking forward to a great 2014 that is hopefully going to be filled with new and exciting adventures.

New Year's Resolution for 2014: Accomplish at least 30 items on my 101 list before the end of the year.   I'll post updates when I complete an item on my list.  I can't wait to get started!